This page is dedicated to the stagger grid 2.0 of  3D radiative and compressible hydrodynamical simulations of the stellar surface in a cartesian box at the surface, typically a few tens of the surface pressure scale height.  These simulations are the result of an international collaboration that includes Århus University, KTH Stockholm University, University of Boulder, and the Observatory of Côte d'Azur.


It is described in the paper Rodriguez Diaz et al. (submitted to the Astronomy and Astrophysics journal). All the simulations were made with the STAGGER-CODE developped by Åke Nordlund, R. Stein and co-workers, A paper describing the code is in preparation.  This version 2.0 of the grid is an update of the previous stagger grid 1.0 published by Magic et al. (2013, A&A, 557, 26). The updated version of the grid presented here contains more models than the previous grid and some models of the original grid were corrected (not relaxed or not deep enough). 

The  status of the grid (as of 12/4/2024) is the following. 

grid status


 Resampled models for spectroscopic analyses. 

In Rodriguez Diaz et al. (2024, submitted) it was shown that the downgraded models to a  mesh resolution of (80x80x240) are enough for spectroscopic diagnostic. This low resolution stagger-grid 2.0 is now available. The archived was prepared by Cis Lagae (KTH Stockholm) and can be downloaded here: (66Gb)

For each model 10 snapshots were selected, and the data cubes were degraded to 80x80x240
points (x,y,z - directions, with z the vertical). Optically thick layers have been removed. The repository includes routines for reading the data in stagger-code format.  

Terms of use : Please cite the paper Rodiguez Diaz et al. (2024, A&A,) is you use the models available on this webpage.